Genetics: Aren't They Great!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Mama's boy

Throughout this week, Jesse and I have come to find out how big of a mama's boy Carter is. Sometimes it's funny, and sometimes I feel like screaming. I've been filling out applications and running a lot of errands lately. So, I ask if my mother-in-law will watch him for the little bit that I'm out. I'm rarely out longer than an hour without him. Well, the minute I leave Carter starts signing mom while walking around saying, "mom! mom! mom!" I'll admit that's cute. He's even funny about me being his too. Like ealier this week, Jesse got home from work, and we were all in the bedroom relaxing before dinner. Jesse was laying on the bed next to me, and Carter was sitting in between my legs with his blanket watching tv. Well, Jesse put his hand on my leg, and without looking, Carter gently pushed Jesse's hand off of me. Jesse tried again, and without hesitation, Carter pushed his hand away. This went on for another good five or six tries. I thought it was funny to see Carter set claim as to whom I belong to. Then, the next day Jesse got home from work, and I asked for him to cuddle me. All was nice and happy, because Carter was on the floor with Piston having fun playing with one another. Unfortunately, that didn't last too long. Carter saw Jesse with me and instantly came over and demanded to get on the bed with us. So, we brought him up thinking he'd just play on the bed. No sooner had we put him on the bed that he wedged himself between us and pushed Jesse away from me. That is when I finally figured out that Carter has that green eyed, jealousy bug in him. I have come to find out that Carter is like that little boy on the sharpie commercial who won't let his mother put him down. I tried to unpack some more of my clothes just a couple of days ago, and he demanded that I held him for 45 min of unpacking. Given, it did take a little longer, because I held him for part of the time. I really don't mind holding Carter, it's just when he is determined that I hold him for an hour, or if every other minute he asks to be held and then gets down that I go nuts because of the other things I could be doing. Now I ask if it's ok for me to put him down, and everytime it's the same response...a sad face with a simple shake of the head, no.


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