Genetics: Aren't They Great!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Two of a Kind

We've always known that our little ones have looked alike, grown at fairly the same rate (extremely small), and have some of the same habits. Everyone can tell that they are brother and sister, even though they have slight color differences in their hair and eyes. When I say slight, I mean that his blue eyes are a little light than her blue eyes and his hair is platinum and hers is progressively getting blonder, but her hair hasn't grown out too much yet to see how blond she will be. Well, as I was holding her yesterday during church, she fell asleep on me because it was nap time and the only time she will snuggle me or anyone else. I had looked down once to see if I could pull her fingers out of her mouth, but thankfully, they had slowly fallen out and her hand rested on her chest. It was at that moment that I saw it! She looked EXACTLY the same as her brother! If I had dressed her in his clothes or had put a dress on him at this age, it would have been like a weird time travelling story. If they were ever to be twins the only way I would have known at that point who was who, would be by checking their gender. As amazed as I will ever be, that moment seemed to last quite a long time and will forever be etched into my memory.


Blogger Amy said...

Hi Tiffany. I know you don't really know me (Jesse's cousin), but I saw that you had a blog and I had to check it out. I love blogs! So it's so crazy that I haven't seen your little girl and the last time I saw your little guy was when he was still so small. That's nuts that they both have blonde hair. Don't you love how the male genes are the dominant one's (usually)? Hopefully I will get to see your kids sometime. Take care and you can stop by my blog any time.

10:10 AM  

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