Genetics: Aren't They Great!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


As I was reading some of my previous posts, I couldn't help but think how long it's been since I blogged. It was a year and a half ago that I had an actual informative blog. That year and a half was so busy. I pushed myself and worked hard to finish the last of school, which ended in me graduating this past August. That was quite a relief. We moved to a cute LITTLE apartment a little over a year ago. Which was followed by four deaths of friends and family of mine; 3 we had been waiting for and one was such a shock. We decided that our family needed to grow, so we had a little girl a few months ago. Immediately after she was born, our son got the croup. That was the hardest week that I think I have ever had. Trying to keep an older sibling from seeing the newborn baby is so physically and emotionally hard. We searched hard for another place that would take our little family with our dog. Luckily we were able to renew a contract with this apartment. We went on a family vacation to California, which ended up like most vacations, wishing we had done things, but didn't because we were so tired. Now, my husband's back in school and still working full time. I'm a stay at home mom, who will end up having to get a job in a few months. I know I'm not quite ready to leave just yet. And to round it all off, these next 3 months have some major holidays that just seem to make life just a little bit more hectic. All in all, we're a happy little family making the most of life.


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