It's been another long while...
It's been awhile since I last blogged. So much has happened. We have a new little angel with big smiles and a LOT of attitude. Her older brother loves her. In fact he loves her so much that he tries to play with her as if she's his age. While she can't stand that he tries to play hide and seek with her, she loves him too. Some of her biggest smiles are reserved just for him. She started out so little and has grown so much, relatively speaking. It's hard to believe she's 3 1/2 months old and getting ready to start teething. All of the signs are there; the runny nose, the irritability, the masses of drool, and the fact that her brother showed these signs that young too. Her personality is also showing so much. While she may look just like her brother, her likes and dislikes are completely different. Those few things they share in common are few, like sucking their fingers, hating tummy time, loving their blankies and being happy. I have a feeling that she's going to be my fearless child. While her brother is a daredevil, he is also very timid and does things on his own terms. She doesn't seem to have a problem letting people know when she's upset or how she likes to be held. She's loves being tossed in the air and swinging in her chair. She takes in the scenery wherever she may be and fixates herself in knowing where she is. I have a feeling that she may end up just like me with blue eyes and light hair and skin. Heaven help us all.
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