Life's stresses
As I was reading a friend's blog, I found myself thinking of another topic. Life. Life can be great, and life can be traumatic. How we view our lives is what is going to determine our quality of life. Jesse and I have never been very stable in our few years of marriage. We have always gotten the help we've needed from our families, including our Heavenly one. I am so grateful that we do have these blessings and continue to have them.
Unfortunately, my father-in-law cannot see the great blessings in his life, because he focuses so much on the negative outcomes and trials he has. He has type 2 diabetes and has had it for quite some time. We are scared for ourselves, because we are at a higher risk to develop it too. But now, we are more scared for Jesse's dad. He has let his diabetes get such a great hold on him that he has gone nearly blind due to hemorraging in his eyes. My father-in-law sees this not as an opportunity to show his faith or change his life so that he can overcome this nasty trial, but he sees it as something that is only here to hold him down and to stop him from living. There are so many things that Jesse and I have seen him do in the past that we've tried to warn him about because of the concern we have for his health. One of Jesse's older sisters has gestational diabetes, and she has tried to consult with their father about what needs to be done. She has seen a specialist, so that she knows how to be healthy for not only her, but her unborn child. Instead of taking all of this as his children and their concern for their father, he takes it as 'everyone thinks they know everything, and who are they to tell me what is right for me, because they don't know what i live with everyday.'
There's nothing we can do to change his mind. We can change our minds, and our lifestyles. We can encourage a better lifestyle through us living one. We can be grateful that we don't have these trials. We can work with Jesse's mom to encourage a low-carb lifestyle for the diabetic, because it's not just the refined sugars that hurt, but all of the simple sugars we eat. That's why in 2 Sundays, I hope to have a nice filling, tasty meal for the diabetics in our family. So, they know that you can still eat yummy foods while cutting out those things we love so much.
Moderation in ALL things (not just foods) is the key to life. Live it, love it, and be happy.
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