Genetics: Aren't They Great!

Monday, September 11, 2006


So far Carter has to two sleepovers. One was at Jesse's oldest sister's apartment where she had all four of the little ones; Carter and his 3 cousins. The other was last night at Jesse's next oldest sister's house; this is the sister with the 3 and another one on the way.

Well, the first sleepover went well. He played hard and had fun. He had some issues with eating. The biggest one being that he didn't want to. He pretty much fought and screamed so that he could not eat. Other than that he did his usual, "mom! mom! mom!" when he realized I wasn't in the room anymore.

The second sleepover was apparently great! He sat down and ate dinner with the rest of the kids, and he ate more than the 2 younger boys who are 3 and 5 years old. Jesse and I expect him to eat more than them though. In the morning he ate a full pancake with syrup! My child doesn't eat anything that is close to bread, let alone a pancake. He ate something else for breakfast too. Then, he snacked on cheese and a granola bar (which he won't eat for me) before church along with some fruit snacks in sacrament. We're pretty sure he snacked in nursery, because he usually does. Then they went home and had lunch, which he ate some of, but he was pretty tired by that time. So, he napped a little bit, and then we got there just when he was getting ready to eat dinner. That's when the true Carter came out. He drank about 4-5 ounces of lemonade and ate a few bites of banana and a full yogurt. Following that came his whining to be let out of the chair. We were told that he barely made a sound, expect for during playtime when the occasional toy was taken away. As soon as I let him down from the table and started to eat my dinner, he started to whine about everything. He needed me to snuggle and love him as soon as anything went wrong; a slight bump, being held by other people, or just nothing.

Our brother and sister-in-law offered to take him anytime we want, because he does so well for them. They were surprised that he slept all the way through the night. Also, they said that he's easier than any of their children, and the oldest will be 7 in a couple of weeks. They couldn't see why we think of him as a stress. At least they couldn't tell until the 5 year old put on a costume and every other minute for a good half hour Carter came whining to me to hold and/or comfort him. The last half hour was the same, I was not allowed to put him down, and no one else was allowed to hold him. The occasional kiss goodnight was okay, but no more than that.

My boy in a nutshell: a mama's boy only when mom is around, but great for everyone else.


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