Work History
Right now I'm filling out job applications, which all of ask for work history. Everytime it says start with current employer, I think to myself:
Employer: Carter Woodhouse Childcare, Inc.
Address: Where ever we land
Phone: He loves them
Supervisor: Carter J. Woodhouse
Position: Childcare Specialist
Salary: Hugs and Kisses
Dates of Employment: From: 2/05 To: Present
Duties and Training: On call nurse, chef, therapist, obedience trainer, playmate, protecter of monsters (or other bratty children) and bad dreams, cuddle specialist, waste management, swim director, pet trainer, seamstress, manual television blocker, damage control, interpreter, teacher, chauffer, banker, personal purchaser, clothing advisor, taste tester, gift giver, personal street crossing guard, stroller control, vitamin distribution, travel agent
That's where I'll end. I'm pretty sure I could continue with duties and training, but I've run out of what else there is to this job. As demanding as it looks, it's a pretty good job and worth the pay. Do you think other employers would buy that??? :D
Hey, you're in Utah now, that just might fly! Good luck with the job hunt.
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