Genetics: Aren't They Great!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Car Troubles

A few weeks ago Jesse took our Lancer in to get the alignment fixed, because the car was pulling to a hard right. So, the mechanic looked at it and told Jesse it wasn't the alignment that was the problem, it was the tires. Our tires were so bad and off-centered that they messed up the alignment. Not only that but our back tires would barely pass safety/emissions for registration. Well, the estimate to have it all fixed would come close to a nice $250 (money that we don't have) to fix only the front tires and cam bolts. So, we decided that we would wait for the next pay check to come. During that time Jesse took the Explorer to work. Well, he got paid and later that next week, he planned to take the car in to get fixed. As he tried to start the car, he heard a whirring sound and then nothing. The car wouldn't start! He called me out to see if I could see anything, but there was nothing. I talked to my dad, and he gave me a few reasons as to what it could be. Then about a half hour later, nothing in the Lancer would start. The obvious reason was the battery was bad. We jumped the car, and took it to Auto Zone to have the battery tested. Our sorrows deepened as we heard that we could recharge the battery, but it most likely wouldn't last through the winter. We came home, and Jesse put a new car battery. By this time it was too late to try to fix the tires. So, he went the next day. By this time we already had spent almost a third of what we planned. When Jesse was done getting the car fixed he told me that he got all of the tires replaced. This took a full paycheck of ours, which is more than double that of the estimate. Thinking that our troubles with the cars are over for a little while, we find out that our new back tire on the Explorer is leaking. What more do we have to do?


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