Genetics: Aren't They Great!

Friday, December 22, 2006


The snow is covering the ground and all of the houses and buildings. This brings the biggest smile to my face, because when all the trees are barren and the plants are dead, there is something new and refreshing to see and cover all of that up. This means a white Christmas for us.

Unfortunately, with all of this snow comes the accidents. People forget how to drive, and the road rage starts. Too cautious of drivers take up all of the lanes, while people who think they are invincible are trying to pass them. All of which ends up in the inevidible. The black ice covers some of the freeways.

I turned on the news this morning to see a few cars who had this happen to them. How ironic. The one time that I'm able to see the news durning the day, it ends up being something that scares the living daylights out of me. I'm worried that one of those cars is Jesse. He is the courrier for a small yet growing financial company here. That's all he does is drive. I so desperately want to call him to see if everything's alright. I don't in fear that I will be the cause of an accident.

So, later when the light came out in the skies (the sun is hiding its face right now), I texted him. About an hour later he calls me to let me know how bad the drivers around him are. People are skidding and fishtailing everywhere, and others aren't slowing down when the person in front of them starts. People are trying to rush to where they are going. During this 10 minute call, Jesse passed by 2 accidents! The first involving 6 cars and a semi, and the second with 5 cars and a 6th that had just hit as he passed it. I tell him I love him and to be safe. Then we hang up and I got in the shower. Right after I got in the shower, Jesse had called again. I didn't notice until about an hour after he called. So, I return his call only to hear he had been rearended! He's fine. The company car isn't. He feels bad for the offices he was supposed to go to.

You would think that people would be a little smarter than that, esp around here. If you pass by 2 consecutive accidents, you MIGHT want to slow down a little! You might want to give the person in front of you a little more room! Forgive me for using that little thing I like to call common sense, but people please! There's nothing I can do for those drivers out there, but at least I know what I'm doing.

I still have yet to hear back more from Jesse, since our last conversation lasted under 2 minutes. That was due to the tow truck arriving for the company car. I hope that didn't get in a wreck too.


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