One of those days
Last night we left Carter home with his cousins and grandparents while we double dated with Jesse's older sister and brother-in-law. When we got home, we found Carter's cousins playing with him when he was supposed to be sleeping. Not only that, but we also found a mass of crayons laying around our bedroom door. Carter and Kason had been feeding Piston crayons. Thankfully they are nontoxic. That's all that Piston was excreting today.
Tonight we came home from watching another great BYU game to find our son just as rambunctious as ever. Well, someone left the bathroom door open downstairs where Carter plays. In the bathroom there is a basket where the extra toilet paper rolls go. He loves playing with the basket. Apparently, he loves playing with the toilet paper too. He pulled the basket to the door of the bathroom and took each roll one-by-one down to the end of this long hallway. That is where he took one roll out of the wrapper and ran it back to the bathroom. He unrolled it until it was half way down the hall. That's when he started running his "red carpet." It was hilarious! There was no way that Jesse and I could keep our composure to discipline him for it, because he kept running from end to end and laughing his little head off. I think Jesse may have gotten a picture of it just to show his dates in 15 years what kind of trouble we had to go through. :D
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