Carter, as much as I love him, is so unstable. His nursery leader named him as a "constant faller." That much is true. We think it could be that he gets so excited to do things, because he's never gone slow, that he runs head first, which makes him a little disproportioned. Well, none of that is the cause for what happened yesterday. During reading time, he decided he didn't want to be in the room listening to me anymore. So, I tried to be a good example by continuing to read aloud to him. I had the baby gate locked at the bottom of the stairwell and all of the other doors were closed. Unfortunately, he has learned how to open the doors by himself. He got in the bathroom which I got him out of not too much later. A few minutes later it sounded like he was in there again doing something on the floor. Quickly, I got out to find the door still closed, and one of the 4 corners of the baby gate pried out. As I looked up the stairs, I saw him. He was sitting on the riding dumptruck scooting it towards the edge of the stairs! I yelled to him no, but then he just scooted himself right on down. Because the gate wasn't the way it was supposed to be, it got stuck when I tried to unlock it to get to him. Luckily, Carter was either smart enough or shocked enough to let go of the truck by the 3rd or 4th stair. He stopped around the 6th, and the truck went all the way down. It's a good thing that my child is indestructable, because he didn't even cry when this happened. He looked a little worried, but to him, nothing too bad as he regained his thoughts. After a little talking to with him, he gave me a hug and kiss and then went right back to playing.
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